The Deformed InterviewThe Deformed Interview - May 2010 By Maurici Ribera What are you current musical projects? Dave, Pete and Joe who were the main players in The Deformed now play in the anarcho punk band CRESS we've put out an album an EP on vinyl a split 10 with DOOM a couple on compilation CDs and we're just doing a split 7 with BURNT CROSS How do you see the band/The Deformed in the 2010 perspective? It gives the idea that is gaining fans even after getting disbanded. Books like Trapped in a Scene give tribute to you. We still get mail and are in touch with lots of old friends which is the best thing really I don't know how we would go down today but we played (Cress) played Sweden last year and loads of people wanted to talk about The Deformed we were stunned it was a real party love Ians book by the way Was your image an advantage or disadvantage at the way to promote your music?
Well, I think the pix in Ians book is a bit misleading as we weren't like this mostly it was a later pix we were pretty crusty punks but got a goth tag pete was mostly into Bauhaus and stuff but it was mainly punk that got us started image really ain't what its about we got slagged mostly for playing slower as most bands we played with were hardcore bands
Your sound was unique and varied, how would you describe it?
Mm a hard one I'll leave that to other people to decide what we sound like
Trilogy Rock: Did you have the idea at the moment to belong to a scene/certain musical scene or you felt to be completely different from the other U.K. bands.
We started off listening to punk in 1976/77 me and Pete are brothers so we did most things together we've always been very close we went to the same gigs etc, We both have played in various bands throughout our lives and now in CRESS, there will always be different types of punk scene so if you have to put us somewhere it would be punk with the DEFORMED it was always a little different but punk it was.
How big was the impact of punk in your life?
It was a big big impact on our lives and i can speak for both Pete and Joe here it changed our lives the band just was away to be apart of it I did a zine with Joe, I ran a tape label, we ran gigs we were and are still apart of the so called punk scene when we heard CRASS that was a big eye opener. We loved the early bands but they said what we felt and it did change us to we did like different styles of music we've never lost our roots so to speak
What can you explain us about your projects in the 90s?
We are still gigging as CRESS and we have anew split EP out soon with uks BURNT CROSS. Pete still as LUNAR MUSICK on the go an ambient thing with Chris from CRESS and they are doing SYSTEM SYSTEM, We are coming to Germany in Summer and have a few punk picnics to do this year we feel old hee heee
Many people, as I did, discovered you through Bullshit detector? Was it a good opportunity for you as a band?
Yes we got much mail from the Bullshit Detector LP. It was a bad recording done on a portable tape recorder in a garage yes we were a garage band lol we got some gigs from it but it was friends we made some. I still write to these days
How were your concerts? With Discharge for example.
The Discharge gig was ok they had just put out their first EP and I wrote to them to play our club in Wigan then others took over and it got a bit fucked but it was fun and we started to put on other bands such as crass and many more, our gigs were always a big drunk party too much when we played with AMEBIX we were terrible but great time